Do you try to avoid failure? Most people do. It makes sense, too. Failing is no fun. It would be great if we could leap right to success. However, it doesn’t work that way. But, you can use tools to help you believe in yourself, and find that success. One of the best...
You get up every day and think about the tasks you need to complete when you get to work. You feel overwhelmed at work, but you know it’s good to have a job that pays the bills. Then, you arrive at work, and your boss calls you and several other coworkers into a...
Of all the ways there are to increase your personal power, gratitude tops them all. Being appreciative for everything you have and having the desire to help others to feel the same level of appreciation. It is hard at times. There can be occasions when you feel guilty...
You spend a good portion of your time protecting your possessions. You worked hard for them, so you want to make sure no one takes them from you. The problem is, you may be putting too much emphasis on them. Consider that when you depart from this world, those...
Social media has invaded everyone’s lives. People are willing to share many aspects of their lives on social media, from cute pictures of their cats, to what they had for breakfast. While not everyone appreciates these constant updates, when used correctly, social...
If you could help others find appreciation for all the small aspects of life, you make life better for everyone associated with you. People can forget that life has a lot to offer. They become bitter over time. It happens to a lot of people, and they become a drag to...